The EWG School Committee will hold a meeting on Tuesday, February 11, 2025 at 6:PM in the High School Library -- chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://opengov.sos.ri.gov/Common/DownloadMeetingFiles?FilePath=\Notices\4067\2025\517239.pdf

We want to hear from you!
At Chartwells K12, we’re committed to creating happy and healthy mealtime experiences for students. To better serve your family, we’d love to hear your feedback! Please take a quick survey about the meals at your student’s school.
Click here to take the survey:
The survey only takes a few minutes and is completely anonymous with no identifying information collected. It will be open from February 3 to February 14.
Thank you for your time and insights,
Toni Lucier
Director of Dining Services

The EWG School Committee will hold a Joint Meeting with the Exeter and West Greenwich Town Councils on Thursday, February 13, 2025 -- chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://opengov.sos.ri.gov/Common/DownloadMeetingFiles?FilePath=\Notices\4067\2025\516415.pdf

Happy Friday!
We are thrilled to share that Knight has officially completed the Therapy Dog Certification program that took place from January 2024 to January 2025.
She has received the following certifications:
AKC Star Puppy
AKC Canine Good Citizen
AKC Advanced Canine Good Citizen
AKC Urban Canine Good Citizen
AKC Trick Dog Certification
Alliance of Therapy Dogs Certification
We are incredibly proud of her and all the work/training Knight has accomplished attending training sessions multiple times a week throughout Southern Rhode Island with her fellow graduates, Cora (Hasbro Children's Hospital) and Hope (Chariho Regional School District.)

The Education Exchange is offering a tuition free RIDE-approved Teacher Assistant Training Program.
This on-line class begins Wednesday, January 29,2025 and runs from 6PM-830 PM for 12 weeks.
To enroll, please call 401-783-0293 or email: info@edexri.org or sign up online @ www.edexri.org.
Attached is a flyer with additional information. Please share with anyone you think would be interested!

The EWG School Committee will hold Budget Discussions/Workshops on Tuesday, February 11, 2024 (IF REQURED) at 6:PM in the high school library--chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://opengov.sos.ri.gov/Common/DownloadMeetingFiles?FilePath=\Notices\4067\2025\515077.pdf

Are you looking for a part-time job that has availability to work 10:30am to 2:30pm or 11:00am to 3:00pm?
We are looking for (2) two 4-hour/day Supervisory/Recess Assistants at the Elementary level.
If you are interested, please submit your application through School Spring at this link:

Please see the available job postings below:
0.5 STEAM Teacher - Wawaloam Elementary
Long Term Substitute Kindergarten Teacher - Wawaloam (Jan 2025-May 2025)
Long Term Substitute Special Education Teacher - Wawaloam Elementary School

The bus routes for the new school year have been published. Visit https://www.ewgrsd.org/bus for more details.

We are so proud to announce that Knight passed her first evaluation today! Ms. Sarah, Knight and Mr. Jordan have spent hours and hours since January attending private training sessions and group classes all over southern RI in the community.
She is now AKC Canine Good Citizen and AKC STAR Puppy certified! 1 down, 4 more to go by Dec/Jan!
Thank you to Mr. Erinakes and Administration for making this all possible for our EWG students, staff and community!

Happy 1st Birthday Knight!

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week EWG!!
"Education is the key to success in life, and teachers make a lasting impact in the lives of their students." –Solomon Ortiz
Make sure to remind your teachers, principals and staff how appreciative you are for all they do!!

EWG is need of substitute teachers and teacher assistants.
If you are interested, please apply through the School Spring links below:
Substitute Teachers K-12
Substitute Teacher Assistants
To be a substitute teacher, you do not need to be a certified teacher. You qualify if you have a bachelor's degree in any area of study or working towards your education degree.
Substitute Teacher Assistants must have the TA certification.

Check out this FREE Teacher Assistant Training Program being offered from May 6th to May 16th for individuals ages 18-24 years old! See attached for qualifications! Great opportunity!!

Knight visited a Jr. High classroom today! Thank you Mrs. Conley, classroom staff and students for the homemade delicious simple ingredient treats!! (Eggs, Unsweetened Applesauce, Old Fashioned Oats, Love, and HARD WORK)

Knight spending time at Wawaloam Elementary today with the 1st Graders and Kindergarteners!

Please join Knight on her journey to become a Certified Therapy Dog to help bring support to our children, faculty & community for the EWG School District! Feel free to follow her Instagram for updates (see link below.)

EWGRSD is looking for substitute teachers!
Please apply through School Spring with the link posted below!
Substitute Teacher

Are you interested in becoming a Certified Teacher Assistant and working for our district as an employee or a substitute? Now is your chance! Please email Jordan Votto, our Human Resources Executive Assistant at jordan_votto@ewg.k12.ri.us to help get you signed up!

EWGRSD is hiring for Substitute Teacher Assistants! $16.50/hr.
TA Certification or college degree required
If interested, please apply here: