EWGRSD is looking for substitute teachers, teacher assistants and school nurses! Please apply through School Spring with the links posted below! Substitute School Nurse https://www.schoolspring.com/job.cfm?jid=4168333 Substitute Teacher https://www.schoolspring.com/job.cfm?jid=4150031 Substitute Teacher Assistant https://www.schoolspring.com/job.cfm?jid=4150021
almost 2 years ago, Jordan Votto
EWGRSD is soliciting bids for Wireless Networking Managed Services. Walk-throughs must be scheduled in advance. Bids are due on 3/10/23 at 12:00 noon. All interested bidders are invited to review the complete bid specifications, which can be found at https://5il.co/1niie
almost 2 years ago, Jeremy Taylor
EWGRSD is soliciting bids for a Wireless Networking solution. Walk-throughs must be scheduled in advance and will be held during the week of 1/30. Bids are due on 2/10 at 12:00 noon. All interested bidders are invited to review the bid specifications, which can be found at https://5il.co/1niie
about 2 years ago, Jeremy Taylor
Check out the Mercury's exclusive photo-story review of EWG's record-breaking 2021 season! www.ewgmercury.edublogs.org
about 3 years ago, Brent Robitaille
Photo by Kylie King
Check out the Mercury's exclusive photo-story review of EWG's record-breaking 2021 season! www.ewgmercury.edublogs.org
about 3 years ago, Brent Robitaille
Photo by Kylie King
We’re spreading the word about @FCC’s Emergency Broadband Benefit, which provides discounts for #broadband service and devices to families struggling to stay connected during the pandemic. Learn more about the program here: fcc.gov/broadbandbenefit #DigitalDivide #BroadbandForAll
over 3 years ago, Technology
FCC Emergency Broadband Benefit
EWG Class of 2020 Graduation LIVE on YouTube! https://youtu.be/0Htl5Knq1p0
over 4 years ago, EWG District Admin
Class of 2020
OSHEAN is making good progress installing our new 10 Gig fiber network between the schools! Very excited for the possibilities that will open up for next year.
almost 5 years ago, Technology
Technician installing new fiber at Lineham
The EWG XQ+RI design team seeks answers to the question, "If you could build a high school that was specifically designed for how children learn, what would it look like, sound like, and feel like?" Parents and community members are invited to respond at https://bit.ly/30z116K
over 5 years ago, Art Searle
Parents of Wawaloam students may have heard from their child that we have been doing coding in their library class with Mrs. Ganger and myself, Mr. Fish, Mrs. Fish and/or Mr. Pancaro. Wawaloam participated in the Hour of Code over the past two weeks. You can read more about the hour of code on their website. https://hourofcode.com/us
about 6 years ago, Jeremy Taylor
Mrs. Cash's Class Coding
Mrs. Cash's Class Coding
Mrs. Cash's Class Coding
Mrs. Cash's Class Coding
We are so proud of School Nurse and Teacher Dawn Seitz who was awarded the Golden Apple for saving the life of a student. https://turnto10.com/station/golden-apple/ri-school-nurse-saves-students-life
over 6 years ago, EWG District Admin
Joe Slater and Dawn Seitz
EWG Class of 2018 Graduation https://youtu.be/5bUq6H8NIuU
over 6 years ago, EWG District Admin